Music at the Advent
It’s a big month for our Advent music ministries!
The Cathedral Choir will open a new season of Evensong ministry on Thursday, September 19 and the next afternoon host the first Midday Music concert of the year, featuring guitarists Duo Catanza. On September 27, renowned harpsichordist Paolo Bordignon will play an inaugural recital on the Advent’s new harpsichord. Download the complete 2019-20 sacred music calendar or pick up a copy in Clingman Commons this Sunday.
Advent Birmingham, the musicians who lead our 11:00 Refectory and Five O’Clock services, released a new EP called Liturgy Songs at the beginning of this month. This collection features modern settings of the Kyrie, Sanctus, Come Holy Ghost (Veni Creator Spiritus), and O Gracious Light (Phos Hilaron). Stream the EP on our website or wherever you prefer to listen to your music.