December at the Advent
Christmas Services at the Advent
Please join us for two evening services of Lessons and Carols:
Thursday, December 19 at 5:30 p.m. featuring The Cathedral Choir.
Sunday, December 22 at 5:00 p.m. featuring Advent Birmingham.
Both of these services will be held in the Nave and will include a time of fellowship over hot chocolate in Clingman Commons afterward.
Advent 5th-graders will bless our 9:00 congregation in the Nave with their performance of a Christmas pageant on Sunday, December 22.
Christmas Eve Services will be held on Tuesday, December 24:
3:00 p.m. Family Service
(Nursery available for children ages 6 weeks through five years old. Children younger and older are welcome to worship with their parents.)
5:00 p.m. Holy Communion
(Nursery available for children ages 6 weeks through five years old. Children younger and older are welcome to worship with their parents.)
5:00 p.m. Holy Communion in the Refectory
8:00 p.m. Holy Communion
10:25 p.m. The Music of Christmas
11:00 p.m. Holy Communion
On Christmas Day, Wednesday, December 25, Adventers will gather at 10:00 a.m. for Holy Communion. Following this service, deliver a poinsettia to a homebound parishioner. Contact with questions or to sign up.
Tune in to our Christmas at the Advent playlist on Spotify.